Take-Two is keenly interested in moving further into networked gaming, microtransactions and downloadable content,…
Take-Two Board chairman Strauss Zelnick recently said during his company's financial results call that Electronic…
Would Take-Two ever consider setting Rockstar loose on the music game genre? Last night, during Take-Two's Q1 finan…
Don't expect the BioShock film to launch simultaneously with BioShock 2, Strauss Zelnick said on the company's call…
Take-Two is discussing possible acquisitions with interested parties right now, Board chairman Strauss Zelnick said…
Grand Theft Auto IV's all-time record-breaking launch drove Take-Two to $98.2 million in profits during its fiscal…
Grand Theft Auto IV has sold 8.5 million units to date, with 11 million shipped to retail as of May 31, the…
Electronic Arts has agreed to wait on completing any potential acquisition of Take-Two until the Federal Trade…
Man, maybe I have bad eyes or something. But I cannot tell these PS3 BioShock screens from the Xbox 360 ones. And…
Pissing contest time! The chaps at Electronic Entertainment Design and Research have compiled some lovely graphs…
Electronic Arts may have recently extended the deadline for its bid to acquire Take-Two, but the company's…
Electronic Arts announced this morning that it has extended its bid to buy Take-Two. The prior bid expired on…
EA just won't take no for an answer! The Wall Street Journal reckon (ie they know ahead of an announcement) that…
Anticlimactic as it is, your humble editor still missed this yesterday; EA's deadline for its offer to acquire…
The deadline for Electronic Arts' bid to acquire Take-Two is this Friday, May 16th, so we thought it'd be a good…
On Electronic Arts' call to investors, CEO John Riccitiello promised "a great year" to come for EA Sports — and…
GTA IV has some problems. Some are pretty great, but most have resulted in freezes and lock-ups, which aren't…
Many analysts have theorized that Electronic Arts' ongoing bid for Take-Two has quite a lot to do with the talent in…
SEC filings have revealed that Electronic Arts borrowed $1 billion from Morgan Stanley and other lenders to help…
The wheels of the announced BioShock movie keep on churning. With a big time director aboard and a major…