For the past two years, Stick Jockey has, at the end of the season, used EA Sports' NCAA Football to supply an altern…
In Los Angeles six months ago, Erick Boenisch gave me my first look at NBA 2K12. I think I watched about a quarter…
With respect and admiration for, if not apologies to, the late Ernie Harwell, here's something adapted from his…
In between two of the most-watched college basketball games ever played in November, the NBA's Doomsday Clock inched…
For a short time this summer, Florida State was the rumored target of a Southeastern Conference raid on the Atlantic…
Rarely considered for overall video-game-of-the-year honors, the uncommon diversity of sports video games support a…
This March will mark the third straight year in which Tiger Woods is not the sole star on the cover of a video game…
For 18 months, Dave Ross surfed forums and blogs and dreaded what he'd find. He couldn't tell his kids what he was…
As a 10-year veteran of the Madden NFL series, Ian Cummings has plenty of experience building video games with bears…
As multiple lawsuits have been brought in multiple venues by multiple former college athletes—some of whom are…
This week, NBA 2K12 revealed that certain of its features—like playing online as one of the NBA's all-time greatest…
As of this writing, there are at least seven YouTube videos, all with more than 100,000 views, tracking pratfalls…
Roster update. In sports video games, it's not a selling point as much as it is a term of abuse, one that implies…
Earlier this week I got several versions of a small talk question I always field this time of year: "I haven't…
Some executives, when they take over, try to keep it low key. The big leather chair and better office is good enough…
They have all the secrets to make you a better Madden gamer. "SUPERIOR KNOWLEDGE OVER THE COMPETITION," says the…
The score was out of reach. The fans had given up. The result would have no effect on the season. Nothing suggested…
In 2007, the NFL staged a regular-season game in London for the first time ever. The night before, the American…
I play sports video games for a living and publishers send them to me for free. The reality of a $60 purchase—what…
Two weeks ago the offers started pouring in. Duke. Vanderbilt. Wake Forest. Places well beyond what my parents could…