PSY's video for "Gentleman" is tearing up the internet, racking up over 20 million views in only its first 24 hours…
PSY's video for "Gentleman" is tearing up the internet, racking up over 20 million views in only its first 24 hours…
Today, Nintendo's South Korean branch is finding itself embroiled in controversy after a highly unprofessional…
Yesterday, Kotaku posted PSY's newest song, "Gentleman". And today, here's the video, which also includes PSY's…
This Saturday, PSY will be performing at Seoul World Cup Stadium. According to AP, PSY said he will "share his new…
Toys. Figures. Statues. For the past ten years, designer Woong Cho has collected memorabilia. And he decided he…
In South Korea, League of Legends is popular—perhaps the most popular game at the country's net cafes. That's both a…
This is "Cutie Song". In its native Korean, it's called the "Gwiyomi" or "Kiyomi" song, depending on how you write…
Tasha from South Korean cosplay team Spiral Cats has outdone herself. Her take on StarCraft's Kerrigan is nothing…
In many Western countries, smoking marijuana is not a big deal. In South Korea, it is. Especially if you get caught.
Ubisoft just submitted something called "Far Cry Classic" to the Korean game rating board. What could it mean?! [GRB Thanks Sang!]
Team C.S.L. doesn't only feature some of the best cosplayers in South Korea, but the entire world. The cosplay…
In the 1970s, the dictatorship controlling South Korea stipulated the length of women's skirts. Now, due to a new…
In South Korea, Everybody Cha Cha Cha is an incredibly popular social networking game for Android. The objective…
This is Benjamin. He has a kidney disease called nephropathy, and he really wanted to see a professional StarCraft II…
The Korean Game Rating board approved Dungeon & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara for PS3. How mysterious! [T/Y Cat Mario!]
Cosplay collective Spiral Cats brought their talents to the recent StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm launch in South…
Last fall, Kotaku reported that Rockman Online (aka Mega Man Online) seemed like it was dead. Today, we learned that…
StarCraft 2 expansion Heart of the Swarm is launching in South Korea. Some gamers are very excited! Others are…
A short line, mind you. Just three dudes. But a very heroic line.
Upset about the rocky SimCity rollout? Take heart. You are not alone. Gamers in South Korea are also not happy…