Just in time for the day after Christmas, Advanced Warfare has added a new team-based multiplayer mode that's all…
It may look like something straight out of Dragon Age: Inquisition, but this is a very special set of armor only the…
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare's campaign mode is entertaining enough, as long as you can turn off your brain for a…
What's the point of having all sorts of advanced tech and weaponry if it doesn't look good? Thankfully, regardless…
"Hold X to review Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare." If only it were that simple.
Look, PC gamers are never truly satisfied. Being a series whose bread is buttered on console, Call of Duty's PC…
Along with the return of players-versus-bot multiplayer, Advanced Warfare introduces the wonderful Combat Readiness…
How is Kevin Spacey's performance in his big video game debut? That all depends on which of the three versions of…
Our yearly installment of Call of Duty is upon us, and while I'm taking a couple of days to play Advanced Warfare's…
In the early moments of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare's campaign mode, the player is given a choice — press or hold…
Courtesy of an email today from GameStop, zombies will be returning in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare's downloadable…
"What you're seeing is Advanced Warfare," says Kevin Spacey's Jonathan Irons at the start of this official gameplay launch trailer for November 3's installment of the Call of Duty series. Well, there you go then.
For a few years now, new Call of Duty games have been met with cynical weariness. There's this feeling that, despite…
Hoverbikes. Super-jumps. Lots of neon. The next installment in Activision's blockbuster FPS series is the most…
Activision is shifting Call of Duty development to a three-year cycle; this year belongs to Sledgehammer Games. Activision announced the shift during its 4th quarter 2013 financial call this afternoon, says the extended cycle would allow developers to focus on development and downloadable content creation.
I avoid Modern Warfare multiplayer, because it's no fun to lose all the time. (I've got no time to practice!) But…
Year after year, how can Call of Duty's massive online shooter remain fresh? With Modern Warfare 3, the game's…
Call of Duty Elite, Activision's new social network and stat-tracking service that will launch alongside Modern…
The "Hardened Edition" of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 appears to have had its contents outed earlier than…
Not one to exclude 87 million customers, Activision confirmed today that it will release a Wii version of Call of…