Marianne Krawczyk, best known for bringing Kratos to life as the writer of God of War, is lending her talents to a…
Hollywood has tried for years to make a good movie based on a video game, and failed. May as well try making one…
When last I left Shank, it was PAX West 2009. Six months later I got my hands on a whole new, platform-heavy level…
Kotaku darling, Independent Games Festival finalist and soon to be Electronic Arts-published game Shank gets a bit…
Electronic Arts today announced a deal with the developers of Shank and Deathspank to bring the downloadable games…
Tired of stodgy corporate games made by The Man and his minions? We're playing the 31 best indie games for a change…
Klei Entertainment takes on the side-scrolling beat-em up with Shank, managing to create something fresh and…
This is what greeted me when I arrived at the Sheraton down the street from PAX to meet with Klei Entertainment CEO…