Ever wonder what you'd look like as a character from Bryan Lee O'Malley's Scott Pilgrim series? Probably much…
Mario and Zelda creator Shigeru Miyamoto has apparently given his blessing to the movie adaptation of Scott Pilgrim…
In two minutes of pure fury, see teenage angst-enstein Scott Pilgrim tear through hordes of bullies and losers,…

Fahey asked, no begged you to help unlock the new Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World trailer. And now it's unlocked and…
100K fans for the Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World Facebook page equals a new trailer. You know what to do.
The soundtrack composer for the upcoming Scott Pilgrim adaptation (of the upcoming Scott Pilgrim movie) debuted one…

All you really need to know about movie Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World is that it's directed by the guy behind Shaun…
Scott Pilgrim, the heroic comic tale of triumph over evil ex-boyfriends, is getting a movie adaptation next year,…