I was just listening to NPR and this story came up about some new very scientific study about how people who say…
I knew it! I knew it. Looks like Army of Two was onto something after all.
Actual science writers don't always have to write about real planets. Sometimes, when the fancy takes them, they can…
A recent study by the Chinese Ministry of Education has found that the majority of China's college student…
This week, a new exhibit opened at a Tokyo science museum. It looks so crappy.
After this thing the other week here’s some actual science proving actual things. Specifically: “’immoral’ virtual…
Here at Snacktaku we're all about portion control, so when science tells us a fully-cooked human cadaver would…
Look, I know it has dragons and giants, but the majority of Game of Thrones is actually grounded in some pretty…
Want to see a mountain get blown up FOR SCIENCE? Well now is your chance. Today, a mountain in Chile will have its top blown off to make room for the European Extremely Large Telescope, and it'll be livestreamed here.
We all know Sonic is fast. But how fast is fast by the hedgehog's standards? Not fast enough to win the race against…
When a movie is too scientific for Cinema Sins to handle, they call on noted astrophysicist and host of Fox hit Cosmo…
Meat is great and all, but bacon holds a special place in the pantheon of broiled flesh and seared sinews. Why do we…
Always remember where you parked? Never forgot the name of that one guy from high school chemistry class, even…
Thug Notes' 8-Bit Philosophy might be the best way to learn about Nietzsche's Critique of Scientific Positivism.…
The "cloud" isn't some silent, nebulous power. The computing power necessary to run everything from Steam to Xbox…
This isn't the Kerbal Space Program. It's the Polish space program.
Everything’s better with Kinect. Including, apparently, your insides. Okay it’s not actual X-Rays, but rather a…
Getting old is never easy. Candy tastes less sweet. Hangovers get ever more brutal. Pop music becomes increasingly…
This is researcher Haruko Obokata. Yesterday, she held a press conference, apologizing for the numerous errors in…
We never did get that Nintendo Vitality Sensor (though the company is now working on something grander). A…