The Large Hadron Collider is the world's largest and most powerful particle accelerator, propelling charged…
You're slowly creeping along the darkened halls of a haunted mansion, waiting for the next zombie to come shambling…
The University of Minnesota has saved more than $100,000 in research funds by using the Xbox 360 Kinect to aid in…
A new therapy, called cognitive-bias modification, has allowed people to relieve anxiety and the strain of certain…

In popular free iPhone app 1to50, players have to sequentially press the numbers one through fifty as fast as they…
Research that last year suggested gamers had the ability to control their dreams - or fight back in nightmares - has…
Contrary to 1995 movie Hackers, breaking into a computer system does not involve colorful cartoon characters. The…
With more than 50 million copies of Rovio's bird-slinging casual game downloaded, Angry Birds is one of the most…

Can exergaming really take the place of going for a brisk walk or doing a few laps in the pool? A study out of…
As the world continues its love affair with Watson. the Jeopardy champion computer, The New York Times creates a…
Texting, watching television, and playing games before bed could be responsible for 63 percent of Americans not…
Are you in danger of getting fired because of too much gaming at work? If so, here's a scientific study you need to…
One thing ever fledgling robotic killing machine needs is a good pair of hands, deft enough to type but strong…
Over the past decade countless studies have arisen supposedly proving a causal link between video games, violent…

You've lost your job, your house, and your savings are completely gone. Can you survive for a month on $1,000?…

Astronomers are abuzz over what could be our very first glimpse of a planet being born in the dust surrounding a…
The final launch of the Space Shuttle Discovery is scheduled for tomorrow, and PlayStation space exploration fans…
With computer technology forever striving towards smaller and smaller form factors, it was only a matter of time…
Are self-doubt and uncertainty purely human traits, or do other members of the animal kingdom experience these…

German engineers have rigged up a Volkswagen Passat so it maneuvers using only the driver's mental directions.…