Because of the way its camera depicts what it sees, Kinect is being used by researchers to monitor elderly patients…
Lots of video games claim to be scary. Amnesia, Dead Space, you name it, if it's dark and things jump out of closets…
Sounds like an email spam subject line, I know, but it's actually a claim made by Atari founder Nolan Bushnell.
While gamers have been using video games to combat stress and anxiety for decades, mental health professionals are…
Do violent video games cause aggressive behavior? According to a recent report published in the journal Psychology…

A floating avatar head that can look, listen and speak in the real world, a desk-embedded robot mole, high-tech…
Imagine playing a game that can caress you, run its finger down your back, make you feel as if you're flying,…

What are you doing this summer? This dude is having his robot friend Darwin pick up Dance Dance Revolution. Beats…
The notion of the "Uncanny Valley", where artificial people are more disturbing the closer they come to "reality",…
There aren't many things that marijuana users say weed can't make better. Take this guy I used to know. His name was…
Space Shuttle Atlantis is fueled, packed with astronauts, supplies and experiments, and waiting to roar its way…
Hacking is a noble pursuit — it's what tinkerers do to create cool new machines and innovate. But the media is…
Galileo discovered the language of nature. Einstein questioned the color of rainbows. Today's physicists ponder the…
Regarding life in space, everyone has three questions: How do you poop, has anyone screwed, and can you play video…
In this excerpt from his book The Erotic Engine, Patchen Barss talks about one part of the future of pornography…

Seven years ago, in uncertain times fraught with peril, the president challenged this great nation to, by the end…

In a University of Missouri study sure to be cited by anti-gaming pundits for years to come, researchers provide…
A pair of researchers, one from Microsoft and the other from The Hebrew University, have come up with something that…
Scientists have found a type of bacteria that kills off the mosquito that carries malaria. That's good news. The…

Kinect's patent application said the device could recognize American Sign Language. Microsoft then backed off the…