Note: This review originally ran on Tuesday, 09-25-12.
Forget The Jetsons, DC Comics' Legion of Superheroes or any…
The kindest thing I can say about the Imperator Pro, a gaming keyboard from Taiwanese company Genius, is that it…
The true heart and essence of Guild Wars 2 lies in its map.
Few games beg for physical contact like LittleBigPlanet does. The series is known for its miniaturized, Gondryesque…
I haven’t read Shakespeare since high school. But Prince of Cats makes me want to go back to 10th grade English…
The Dead or Alive series has always felt like it was my fighting franchise. From the moment I first button-mashed my…
In 1968 Jeno Paulucci, the creator of the Chun King line of pre-packaged Chinese food, took an egg roll wrapper and…
Fan-made Black Mesa is a remake of Valve's classic 1998 shooter Half-Life. It's been in development for around eight…
This past week, I haven't felt as helpless or as vexed behind the wheel since I was 15 years old and trying to…
Click, kill, loot, level up. Click, kill, loot, level up. Loot, sell, re-equip. Rinse, repeat. Your weapons get more…
Have you ever been unable to get yourself out of an abusive relationship? Borderlands 2 kicked my ass, lit me on…
Here's a not-so-big secret: most Hollywood adaptations of video games are not very good. Why? The reasons are…
Tokyo Jungle really is a game unlike any other. As a large assortment of different animals, you explore an overgrown…
My ice hockey knowledge comes primarily from being an obnoxious and uninformed fan. When Nashville came to San Jose…
Few games were as revolutionary as Jet Set Radio for the Dreamcast. It completely overturned our expectations of…
Fighting games are prom. Seriously, think about it.
What most restaurants label a BBQ hamburger is generally a normal hamburger with some sort of barbecue sauce added,…
Most people might take their stealth tips from Solid Snake or Sam Fisher. Me, I'm more in tune with, uh, the…
While comparatively unknown in the West, Macross: Do You Remember Love? was one of the most important anime of the…
Digital Storm is a boutique gaming PC maker that I've traditionally associated with putting together mind-blowing…