For all its extraordinary visual splendor, Assassin’s Creed Origins is ultimately an ordinary video game. That’s not…
Playing Fire Emblem Warriors feels a bit like herding a pack of ravenous lions. Countless enemies clash against…
When we meet Sebastian Castellanos at the beginning of The Evil Within 2, he’s a broken man. The mind-bending events…
Early in South Park: The Fractured But Whole, you go up against an enemy kid who cheats. He complains that your last…
Brawlhalla is a rebellious platform fighter born of a genre dominated by exactly one game. Unlike that game, it…
In 2016, Razer attempted to take on Microsoft’s luxurious Xbox One Elite controller with the $150 Wildcat, an…
Let’s get the comparison we have to make out of the way: No, the Genesis Flashback isn’t as amazing as the SNES…
Do you want a split keyboard that allows the hands, arms and shoulders to sit at a more natural angle while typing,…
When Shadow of Mordor released in 2014, its “nemesis system” was brilliant enough that many people hoped it would…
Torn asunder by unknown forces and ravaged by corruption, the world of Hob is in desperate need of repair and…
The Super Nintendo Classic is a miniature blast of nostalgia, a sleekly packaged piece of hardware that will…
Let’s keep this simple: Total War: Warhammer was a very good strategy game. Total War: Warhammer 2 is better.
When Nintendo foolishly licensed The Legend of Zelda to Phillips Media in the early 90s, the result was more than…
I’ve put 81 hours into Divinity: Original Sin 2 over the last 12 days. When I wasn’t playing, I was thinking about…
In 1993, Nintendo made the inexplicable decision to license The Legend of Zelda to Phillips Media, creators of the…
Danganronpa has had a hell of a journey over the past few years, telling stories in the form of visual novels,…
I can’t believe 2K managed to screw this up so badly.
The Lego Ninjago Movie Videogame is short and a little rough, but a dynamic new combat system and a couple…
There are a lot of big-name peripheral manufacturers making mechanical keyboards, but a search for the term…