Red Faction has been delivering first-person-shooter flavored environmental destruction since 2001, tasking players…
Promoting the release of Red Faction Guerrilla in London, THQ yesterday packed a car with 100 copies of the game,…
With 21 maps, two kinds of multiplayer and up to 16 players per online match, Red Faction: Guerrilla offers a lot of…
You wouldn't think you could get by in a 16-man online multiplayer mode with only a sledgehammer a rocket pack; but R…
The dark days of pre-order exclusivity have passed, and the demo for Red: Faction Guerrilla is now available to all…
Contest time! We're giving away a copy of futuristic third-person-shooter Red Faction: Guerrilla, platform of your…
While North American gamers still have to pre-order Red Faction: Guerrilla through GameStop to gain early access to…
From April Fool's prank to reality, Volition announces that the fabled Ostrich Hammer will indeed be available as…
There were a lot of games the New York Comic Con this year, but of the ones I saw none were more technically…
The next millionaire to come out of the games industry will be the home furnishings genius who creates a way of…
What's that? You want some more Red Faction stuff? We got some screenshots depicting some new environments you'll…
I know the video game industry seems to be perpetually going through a shooter glut. And, yes, I love shooters, so…