It's a really great way to prove how big and popular GTA V is, when someone uses it to recreate some classic album…
It's time to shut the door on the least memorable shooter franchise of the previous generation. Online services for R…
Now that the PS4, Xbox One and Wii U are all out, you'd think it's the perfect time to dive into games on the PS3,…
Whether you love or hate Namco's long-running Tekken series, you have to admit that it sure was weird not seeing its…
Japanese game publication Famitsu released a list of the biggest-selling video games in Japan between April 1, 2013…
Goku and Naruto. Luffy and Ichigo. Jojo and Kenshiro. It's hard not to be excited about a game where all your…
Atlus has confirmed that Persona 4 is coming to the PS3. It'll be a digital download of the PS2 version, and will cost $10 when it's out on April 8. Read more
Everyone's been waiting for the heists—the signature criminal activities from Grand Theft Auto V's story mode—to…
New mega-crossover game J-Stars Victory Versus lets you battle as 52 different characters from across 32 different S…
Late last month saw the release of J-Stars Victory VS, a 3D fighter where characters like Goku, Luffy, Naruto, and…
Slavery in the Transatlantic of the 1700s was a complex, interconnected network of financial systems, social…
Have Sega and Creative Assembly finally got a hold on this deep space survival horror thing, or will no one hear you…
Last week, we told you all about Assassin's Creed Unity, one of the two games in Ubisoft's action-adventure series…
In the video game industry, big publishers like to stick to strict marketing plans. Unlike, say, the film world,…
Redditor Mune15 ran into this delightful little cherub while playing the latest downloadable content for BioShock…
It's Fez time, PlayStation Owners. The indie hit Fez is out today for PS3, PS4 and Vita. Buy one copy and you'll get all of 'em. All I can say is that I am pretty psyched to play this game on Vita.
Last year Sega gambled on global love of Japan's premiere virtual idol, releasing the Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F r…
J-Stars Victory VS, the new Shonen Jump game, is a 3D fighter that lets you pit all your favorite Shonen Jump…