Poker video games aren’t usually done well. They’re historically cheap, flavorless games without a lot of…
Your next baking session can crack jokes like it was 2007 now that official Aperture Science cake mix has been made…
Brazilian illustrator Rayner Alencar drew this amazing picture of Portal's Chell, which will satisfy my urge to see…
Synthetic Picturehaus, who floored us last year with their Portal short film Lab Ratt, are back with another…
Toy Company threeA held a show in Taipei over the weekend, and making their debut were the finished models (we've see…
The long-rumored follow-up to the star-studded Poker Night at the Inventory is no longer rumored, as Telltale Games…
Joey Spiotto, a former video game concept artist who worked on series like Dead Space, now works on things a little…
Nobody likes movies based on video games, with very few exceptions. That said, we're far from giving up on…
Cartoonist Stephen Lester is "currently on a mission to fill his home with vintage video games and video game…
Portal may not seem like the most romantic game ever, seeing as how it's populated with a bunch of robots and only…
The DS still is home to a robust homebrew scene, as we see here in this Portal port that modder Smealum has been…
Appearing with the director J.J. Abrams at D.I.C.E. Summit today, Valve's Gabe Newell said the company would "find…
Today at the game industry's DICE conference, the guy in charge of Valve and the man directing both Star Wars and St…
Portal is a natural theme for Valentine's Day, as we saw with these cards Valve released in 2011 before Portal 2's…
Mirrors lined with blue and red LEDs have long been a staple of Portal-themed decoration. Taking it to the next…
Those wanting to work for WibiData better have impeccable Portal problem solving skills. Part of the application…
Unable to get any satisfaction from Glee, 20th Century Fox Television, or its lawyers, Jonathan Coulton has put his…
YouTube user Marflus1 has created this musical gem, which is described as follows:
By now you've probably seen the ridiculous bikini-clad severed torso that publisher Deep Silver is packaging with…