After months of fan begging, Niantic will finally pull through and add real content to Pokémon Go. A Pokémon Go…
After months of fan begging, Niantic will finally pull through and add real content to Pokémon Go. A Pokémon Go…
For a moment, I ask you to take a deep breath and reflect on the unsolved mysteries of the games industry. Where is …
Finally! Pokémon Go has launched in South Korea, six months after its debut. The delay was because the game uses Google Maps, but South Korea has limited mapping functions like that due to North Korean security concerns.
The chances of playing Pokémon Go in China look slim. The Chinese state censor said that augmented reality games…
On a particularly hot day last summer, Imgur poster Joelalmeidaptg was walking down the street playing Pokémon Go…
Viral rat-hunting mobile game Pokémon Go is now on the Apple Watch. Starting today, you can find rats, some of…
Pokémon Go’s latest update isn’t what players were expecting. For weeks, fans hoped for a whole batch of 2nd…
Pokémon Go today rolled out at least seven new baby Pokémon, which spawn from eggs. All day, players have been…
New Pokémon have finally come to Pokémon Go, Niantic announced today. Players can now hatch Pichu, Togepi and other…
Pokémon games tend to scale monsters down, so you don’t get a good sense of a creature’s true size (according to the…
Live from New York, it’s Snacktaku, featuring special guest Cecilia D’Anastasio. Watch us drink Starbucks’ Pokémon…
Pokémon Go’s much-requested “mass transfer” feature is dropping shortly. Players can now “transfer” Pokémon to…
Pokémon Go’s latest tracking update did not please everyone. Urban and rural players have access one of two Pokémon…
After months of testing, Pokémon Go’s new tracker is finally available. And calling its reception “controversial”…
The recent changes made to Pokémon Go’s ‘Nearby’ feature, originally only live in certain areas of the US, Canada and Australia, are now rolling out to “the rest of the continental United States and large parts of Europe”.
Pokémon Go will not stop fumbling its tracking system. With each new update has come a slew of problems so damning…
Having begun testing in August, Pokémon Go’s new nearby system—which actually works—is finally rolling out to select…
For months, nobody could find find Ditto in Pokémon Go. It wasn’t in the game. Today, reports are flooding in from…
Pokémon Go is giving thanks for obsessed players everywhere with a special Thanksgiving event. From November 23 to November 30, XP and Stardust gains will be doubled. Sounds like a lovely excuse to wander away from the dinner table before the fighting starts.
A recent update put a speed cap on Pokémon Go. Meaning? If you play while riding on the train or bus, you might want…