Wolfenstein’s BJ Blazkowicz is one of the original first person shooter protagonists. He is a muscle bound action…
After spending a little bit of time with the PlayStation 4 version of Shadow of the Colossus, I have to say that I’m…
The warm sun beats down on a main street in Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus, just in time for the Victory Day…

Just like they did at E3, the folks at Sony showed off some new footage today from some of their PlayStation 4 games…

Sucker Punch, the studio behind Infamous and Sly Cooper, has announced a new game. Ghost Of Tsushima, coming to the…

Guacamelee 2 will be coming to the Playstation 4, exciting lucha libre fans and chicken enthusiasts around the world. Not now though. “Soon-ish.”

Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus opens with a nightmare. This deep descent into BJ Blazkowicz’ personal hell…

Haven’t played No Man’s Sky in a while but interested in joining the Galactic Hub, the community-run civilization…

Even if we can’t see out character’s face and body, animation tells us a lot about characters in first person games.…
Destiny 2’s competitive Trials of the Nine multiplayer mode will be delayed for two weeks after a glitch involving…
A man from Terre Haute, Indiana has been charged with theft and “offense against intellectual property” after being…

Giant robots are awesome and Gundam Versus has some of the best. But can a game offer you too many options? Heather…

Star Wars Battlefront II’s multiplayer went into a semi-open beta today for players who preordered. I’ve spent most…
When No Man’s Sky launched last year, an archaeology PhD student led a team of 30 players on a survey intending to…
The PS4's “5.00" firmware update hit today, and for something called 5.00, it sure is flimsy. With tweaks to messages and a new feature called Team Tournaments, this feels more like an incremental patch than a big update.
You can get Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain with your PlayStation Plus membership in October. There’s also the A…
Atlus has filed a Digital Millennium Copyright Act takedown against the creators of the Playstation 3 emulator…
SteamWorld Dig 2 is a game about exploring and finding secrets. There’s a plot, too, and some fun characters, but…
![<i>Rainbow Six Siege </i>Is Having A Lot Of Problems Right Now [UPDATE]](https://i.kinja-img.com/image/upload/c_fit,q_60,w_645/iyn2bhgc516m8apzbqve.jpg)
The ever-popular Rainbow Six Siege is having a rough time right now. Some players are reporting that their consoles…
TrashM4N is a garbage collector who goes about his business, collecting trash. While streaming on Twitch. Most of…