Something is only worth what people will pay for it. And these days, they'll pay more for a PlayStation 2 in Japan.…
Having stopped shipping in Japan last year, The Guardian has confirmed with Sony that PlayStation 2 production has…

A couple of months ago, I wrote about how the Japanese PlayStation 2 has one unreleased game left. For the longest…
Resident Evil 4 was released as a GameCube exclusive. And when Capcom ported the game to the PlayStation 2, Resident…
Want to use your PlayStation 2 controller to play Wii or Wii U games? There's a peripheral for that.
The PlayStation 2 has come a long way. Since its initial release in Japan on March 4th back in the year 2000…
Game publishers get all manner of weird game pitches. Sometimes, one man's weird pitch is another man's potential…

When Chiba Institute of Technology students build a radio controlled Molga from the Zoids universe, they needed…
Many people in the gaming community were taken aback by Nintendo's announcement last night that the 3DS would be…
The tenth anniversary of the launch of the PlayStation 2 in North America is right around the corner, and the…
Two rumored high-definition ports of PlayStation 2 games, bound for the PlayStation 3, look less like rumors today.…
The winner of best overall infographic for First Lady Michelle Obama's Let's Move! campaign includes the release and…
Former Sony employee 58-year-old Hidehiro Kume invented a small optical pickup that is used to read and write discs…
Popstar Kylie Minogue's latest music video features a bevy of young, attractive people taking their clothes off and…
To Heart is a landmark in Japanese adult PC gaming. Released in 1997, the game is a visual novel and showed how…
Fortunately, you can determine that for yourself. Not by judging the cover of the novelization of the PlayStation…
It's rare that Sony makes announcements about new PlayStation 2 games, but not too surprising when that game is…
Tonight, original Xbox games goes offline when Microsoft pulls the plug on Xbox Live support for its last-generation…
Cross-game voice chat. How do we know? By looking at the newly launched Share, a PlayStation fan's…