PSN is experiencing outages related to online gaming and social features. A notice on the official status page reads “You may have some difficulty launching games, applications, or online features.” According to some, games affected include Fortnite, Rainbow Six Siege, and others. [Update - 10:44pm]: It’s working.

PlayStation Network is currently experiencing some problems. A note on the service’s status page reads: “You may have some difficulty launching games, applications, or online features. Our engineers are working to resolve the issue as soon as possible, and we thank you for your patience.”

Sony says PlayStation Network is—once again—having issues. PSN was down for me earlier today, but appears to be back online. Given The Division only has another day in closed beta, it’s not a great day for it to have issues! Read more

August PS and Games With Gold lineups are out! On PS Plus, it’s Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris (PS4), Limbo (PS4), Sound Shapes (PS4, PS3, Vita), Stealth 2 (PS4, PS3, Vita), God of War Ascension (PS3), CastleStorm (PS3, Vita). On Xbox, it’s MGS: Ground Zeroes (XB1), How To Survive (XB1), Metro 2033 (360), and Metr Read more
