Greedfall is one of three games available to PlayStation Plus subscribers this month, but you wouldn’t know it by…
Update (12/03/2020, 5:06 p.m. ET): According to several users, the Vita store is working again. Our own testing…
2007 PS3 game Warhawk, one of the real pioneers of modern multiplayer console gaming, sadly lost its PlayStation…
Sony rolled out a new bug bounty program yesterday that will pay up to $50,000 to any hackers who help expose a…
As PlayStation users across the world wonder whether they’ll ever get to change their names from (or to)…
PSN is experiencing outages related to online gaming and social features. A notice on the official status page reads “You may have some difficulty launching games, applications, or online features.” According to some, games affected include Fortnite, Rainbow Six Siege, and others. [Update - 10:44pm]: It’s working.
What’s up with the PlayStation Network? For the past week, Sony’s premium online service has been intermittently…
PlayStation Network is currently experiencing some problems. A note on the service’s status page reads: “You may have some difficulty launching games, applications, or online features. Our engineers are working to resolve the issue as soon as possible, and we thank you for your patience.”
Twitch broadcaster IronPhoenix87 was streaming Call of Duty on the PS4 for a few viewers late December when he was…
This morning, Sony quietly added two-step verification to the PlayStation Network, allowing users to add an extra…
In recent days, the developers behind Rocket League and The Witcher 3 have both called for Sony to break down the…
This week the PlayStation Network is holding a big sale. As a result of this, the transcendent role-playing game Suik…
Rocket League players on Xbox One will soon be able to play against PC players, as well. Microsoft said it’s now possible for developers to connect with “other console and PC networks,” potentially opening up true cross-platform play. Whether Sony would play ball, however, is an open question.
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Sony has fixed a “network issue” that was preventing some Vita owners from accessing the PlayStation Store, the…
Sony says PlayStation Network is—once again—having issues. PSN was down for me earlier today, but appears to be back online. Given The Division only has another day in closed beta, it’s not a great day for it to have issues! Read more
Having been down for most of the day, Sony says that it’s PlayStation Network is now back up and running across both the US and Europe. Read more
Some PlayStation 4 owners are having trouble playing their digitally pre-ordered copies of Until Dawn, and Sony says it’s looking into it. “Our store team is currently investigating the issue,” the company wrote on its support forums. Bummer. Read more
Rocket League is the surprise hit of the summer, one that has plenty thinking “why didn’t anyone think of this…
August PS and Games With Gold lineups are out! On PS Plus, it’s Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris (PS4), Limbo (PS4), Sound Shapes (PS4, PS3, Vita), Stealth 2 (PS4, PS3, Vita), God of War Ascension (PS3), CastleStorm (PS3, Vita). On Xbox, it’s MGS: Ground Zeroes (XB1), How To Survive (XB1), Metro 2033 (360), and Metr… Read more