2007 PS3 game Warhawk, one of the real pioneers of modern multiplayer console gaming, sadly lost its PlayStation Network support a couple of years ago. Well, it lost its official support; thanks to the hard work of some fans, it’s now back online.
The team behind PSONE (PlayStation Online Emulated) have got servers for the game back up and running, and while they take a little bit of tinkering to be accessible (this is, after all, a workaround), it’s not too difficult, as you’ll see in the video below.
Note that as of now, this testing is in closed beta, with a full public release expected soon.
You can see more of the stuff PSONE are working on at their site. In addition to Warhawk, they’ve also got Twisted Metal Black: Online servers running, and are also working on stuff like PlayStation Home, SOCOM Confrontation and WipeOut as well.
Thanks Nerdkiller.