Team Ninja's top ninja Tomonobu Itagaki sure has opinions! Lots of them. Previously, he praised Rockstar's work on G…
Like what you've seen so far from Platinum Games? Good, because bet your ass there's going to be more. Sequels,…
Of the three Platinum games announced last week, I'm actually most excited for Infinite Line. If only because I dig…
Hello, this is Platinum Games' MADWORLD trailer. It's here to kick your teeth in. The monochrome and crimson Wii…
In case you had any doubts about the sheer brilliance of the minds working for PlatinumGames on the newly announced…
Sometimes a rumor is a rumor only because the press release hasn't hit yet, as is the case with Sega's newly…
While former Clover devs showed off three games at last night's Platinum/Sega announcement, it was Madworld that…
Black, white and blood: It's a formula that Sega of America head honcho Simon Jeffery hopes will help the company…
Looks like those Platinum Games rumors are true. Things like a mulit-page article in this week's Famitsu magazine…
Platinum Games, the studio founded by former Capcom developer Clover, has apparently struck a deal with SEGA to…