Wizards of the Coast enlisted the creative minds behind Minecraft, Plants vs. Zombies, World of Warcraft and more…
PAX is a behemoth. A monolith. It's nearly outgrown the ubiquitous webcomic that spawned it. It's an incredibly…
Penny Arcade has taken its fair share of criticism over the past year, a lot of it stemming from the public comments…
Four days after provoking debate about his comic strip's most notorious joke, Penny Arcade's Mike Krahulik offers a…
The long-running Dickwolves controversy involving popular web-comic and convention organizers Penny Arcade took a…
The small studio behind the upcoming first-person exploration game Gone Home say they're pulling their game from the…
Good news: the next Penny Arcade RPG will be out on June 7. Even better news: the most recent one is free today. Go check it out!
I've been wanting to play the Penny Arcade card game from Cryptozoic Entertainment for ages. At this year's San…
Sorry, Magic The Gathering banner ad atop the website for the popular online comic strip, Penny Arcade, the folks…
Have you been feeling a distinct lack of Final Fantasy IV in your life lately?
It's tough to recover from a PR gaffe. Even tougher: when it's the biggest PR gaffe of 2011, a customer service…
The founders of Penny Arcade pulled a fast one on one of their most notorious foes this weekend, hitting Paul "Ocean…
No way, Hannibal, I ain't gettin' on no plane with a crazy fool who don't look at this gallery of cosplayers at…
No, the third Penny Arcade game will not be released on Super Nintendo. Despite its resemblance to 16-bit games of…
Citing a large number of refunded donations and confusion over the goal of the "Retake Mass Effect" Child's Play…
You come to Kotaku every day, right? So it stands to reason that you know all about the E through M ratings that…
Some good may be coming out of the "Ocean Stratagy"/Paul Christoforo customer service debacle. N-Control, the…
The guy who supposedly started this rides a crotch-rocket motorcycle, and his Facebook gallery is full of shirtless,…
The PR tempest in a teapot born of one misused gamer and shockingly bad customer support seems to have mostly run…