Team Meat's Edmund McMillen emailed out the first-ever trailer for Mew-Genics in the wee hours of the morning, and…
Team Meat's Edmund McMillen emailed out the first-ever trailer for Mew-Genics in the wee hours of the morning, and…
Want to see some Mega Pokémon? Watch me play some five minutes of this special Pokémon X/Y demo, made just for PAX.…
Xbox vs. PAX Pox: Looks like Microsoft took Fahey’s hygiene primer yesterday to heart, bundling Xbox-branded hand sanitizer with its display models to do its part in the fight against con crud. We haven’t seen any PlayStation Purell yet. Read more
Two years ago, I'm at PAX in Seattle. I'm trying to cover every indie game possible, but even I have my limits. I…
Today's the first day of Seattle's version of the Penny Arcade Expo, the tri-annual fan festival that celebrates…
Much of the Kotaku crew is in PAX right now, and so are the good folks over at Twitch, who are doing interviews from…
A new flavor of Mountain Dew Game Fuel, a shiny bag of Doritos and a card explaining what these things have to do…
At this year's PAX, the wonderful people from games site Attract Mode and merch wizards Fangamer are once again…
Things can go easily wrong when you're using the Pokémon theme song at a convention to propose to your girlfriend,…
Voice-Acting Chops Wanted: Any PAX attendees interested in voice-acting in video games? If so, consider sending in a demo to the Game Audio Voice Actor Coalition for them to critique during their panel at PAX next weekend. Details on how to submit a recording here.
PAX-goers will be the first in North America to get their hands on Pokémon X and Pokémon Y, Nintendo said today in…
Skip the first 26 seconds of this trailer for the 2103 PAX Prime Indie Mega Booth. Get right to the good stuff... a…
Coming soon to tablets and mobile devices from Uber Entertainment of Planetary Annihilation and Super Monday Night…
The PAX Prime schedule is now live! Check it out right here.
This is Boo. Earlier in the month Boo went to her first ever PAX, in Melbourne, Australia. Boo spent the weekend as…
Fallout: Lanius, the fan-film starring New Vegas antagonist Legate Lanius, AKA the Monster of the East, will be…
The small studio behind the upcoming first-person exploration game Gone Home say they're pulling their game from the…
Registration for this year's PAX Prime is now live! Badges will probably go quick, so don't wait on this one.
There were a lot of big games at PAX East last weekend—Watch Dogs, Assassin's Creed IV, The Last of Us—but the…
There were plenty of delicious Borderlands announcements at PAX East today, but those who weren't present for the…