Are we still pretending that comics and video games don't have anything to do with each other? Not anymore, we're…
It sounds like a joke at first: What if Batman got addicted to drugs? But legendary Batman writer Denny O’Neil took…
Just in time for his return to consoles, Max Payne's also going to be making a debut into the comics world.…
Time's tighter this week but we all still need comics. Here's a handful that you should check out this week. Chime…
China Mieville's been trying to break into comics a long time. The native Londoner has busied himself with becoming…
Cliff Bleszinski Reveals His Love for The Boys and the Comic That’s Influencing Epic’s Next Big Game
Cliff Bleszinski didn't grow up reading comic books. He was all about video games and movies as a kid. But that all…
Are we still pretending that comics and video games don't have anything to do with each other? Not anymore, we're…
You know how some jokes make you laugh because they feel like they're hitting on some essential truth? That's how…
Are we still pretending that comics and video games don't have anything to do with each other? Not anymore, we're…
If you're here in the Panel Discussion programming block, you might be a lapsed comics reader, trying to find a way…
In late November of last year, I asked one of the clerks at a comic shop in midtown Manhattan to tell me how much…
Comic books become TV shows that turn into movies that get spun off into games. Or the whole thing happens in…
Are we still pretending that comics and video games don't have anything to do with each other? Not anymore, we're…
If you're here in the Panel Discussion programming block, you might be a lapsed comics reader, trying to find a way…
Every so often, Panel Discussion will take a look at a graphic novel or a run of comics that executes particularly…
Luke's Note: Artist Zac Gorman returns this month with another wonderful motion comic, this time for one of the…
Are we still pretending that comics and video games don't have anything to do with each other? Not anymore, we're…
Part of Panel Discussion's mission is to look at the ways and places where comics and video games intersect and…

Mark Waid says he's "reached a point." A point where he no longer needs his comics collection. He's got 150…

Telltale explores the dark recesses of an already dark universe next month, when the first of five monthly…