Batman ’66 #1: It’s that most miserable of times in the mainline Batman continuity, the period after someone close…
These might be the most important words in comics: "Hey, have you read that?" The medium's lifeblood has always been…
Mutants have waved the ‘hated & feared’ flag in the Marvel Universe pretty much since the introduction of the X-Men…
Writer Neil Gaiman's first new Sandman comic in a decade will be out on October 30 from Vertigo/DC and will be…

FF #8: The tricky thing (sorry, that was totally unintentional) about picking a standout moment from reading a…
Think about how newspapers, magazines, blogs and media platforms of every stripe follow Kanye West’s every move. Now…
Archie Comics' crossover between Sega and Capcom's best known characters is called Worlds Collide. And it looks…
Kyle Baker’s no idiot. The iconic comics and animation artist knows that he can’t call the characters in Mass Murder…

My initial foray into the world of High Moon Studios' Deadpool video game culminated in an intimate moment in the…
I didn’t like Man of Steel as much as some people, but I have to admit that it was good seeing a Superman streak…
New Avengers #7: This series has been all about putting the best and brightest minds in the Marvel Universe down an…

With the Man of Steel movie debuting as a big hit, it’s no surprise that the movie’s version of Superman will be…

Like millions of other people all over the world this weekend, Mike Fahey and I both saw Man of Steel. There’s a…
Batman #21: The last thing comics readers need is more material looking at the years before Bruce Wayne put on a…
Daredevil: End of Days #8 Daredevil's a superhero who's constantly in thrall to his emotions It often seems like…
Superheroes don't start out super. It's a hoary trope that's a key part of every adventurer's origin story.…
Game critic Cara Ellison and artist Elizabeth Simins have collaborated on a trio of strips that they're calling "New…
I have a little guilt over it but I’m doing most of my comics reading on an iPad nowadays. While the convenience…
LEGO was born in Denmark, the home of the Vikings, so building the realm of the Norse gods in LEGO Marvel Super…
At last weekend's Denver Comic Con, animator and syndicated cartoonist Rich Moyer assembled a team of 120 characters…