My favorite aspect of the first Disney Infinity was the toys. Carefully sculpted and painted, each one was a tiny…
On the one hand, Spider-Man Unlimited is a free-to-play mobile game from Gameloft. On the other, it's a game with…
How do you handle a hero like Rogue, whose ability allows her to siphon powers from any other character? MMO Marvel…
Grant Morrison writes weird comics. Comics filled with streets that talk, a Joker that squeezes Batman's ass and a…
Comic book recommendation: You can set your expectations low for many toy tie-in comics but Tom Scioli and John…
Great Captain America movies. A blockbuster Batman trilogy. An Avengers film that's almost universally loved. It's…
When I was young, I would have my parents buy me multiple copies of trooper-style action figures in order to amass…
Harley Quinn doesn't get naked and have sex in any of the Batman video games that she's appeared in. But the Joker's…
Rule one of possessing one of the six Infinity Gems: don't post a picture of it on Instagram, even if Marvel gifts…
This Xbox One-focused comic from Microsoft is both fitting for the summer and certainly makes a hell of a lot more…
Remember that leaked Deadpool movie test footage? It's been released in a hi-res version, reportedly straight from Blur Studios itself. Update: An Escapist article says that the hi-res release isn't an official one. Read more
Over the weekend, an almost two-minute clip of Deadpool laying waste to a bunch of dudes hit the internet. Some…
Because you can't have good without evil, Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes makes sure all three of its heroic…
Let's be real here: including Plastic Man in any Lego video game should break the whole damn thing. He's Plastic…
Batman's origin was already depressing. Dorkly has found a way to make it even more traumatic.
According to DC Comics, it's Batman Day today. So let's talk about your favorite stories featuring the Dark Knight.
You can stop now, Disney Infinity 2.0. We get it. You really want us to buy you, and you aren't afraid to recruit a…
There's not that much about video games or comic books in Seconds, the new graphic novel from the creator of the…
The iconic comic book hero Archie Andrews dies a heroic death in the final issue of Life with Archie #36 while…
Yesterday, we all found out via women-targeted talk show The View that Marvel Comics' Thor is going to be a…