Online, we can be whoever we want—a bulked-up soldier, a freakish banana, Sonic the Hedgehog—only until we start…
One of the great online gaming paradoxes is the group-finder, a feature intended to bring people together that often…

A big part of the marketing for the new Call of Duty game has surrounded Headquarters, a new social hub where…
Contrary to popular belief, high schoolers grinding daily on World of Warcraft may not need to fear for their GPAs.…
Don't play games online, they say. If you have to play games online, turn off chat. If you have to turn on chat,…
There are a lot of people on Xbox Live. Some of them are cool and do incredible things. Others are jerks who ruin…

The guy recording racist and sexist crap in online multiplayer matches know he's going to stop doing it soon. "I…

Meanwhile, over in Europe, this is happening. Korea's most popular musical export lends his gentlemanly style to two…
Traveler's Thrombosis, or deep vein thrombosis is an affliction that is often associated with flying. However in…
While playing his favorite online game at a local internet cafe, a gamer named "Zhao" repeatedly suffered internet…
China was one of the first countries to recognize internet addiction as a psychological illness—and then beat the…
A famous Chinese anti-gaming expert has his foot in his mouth after appearing at a "game tasting" event in Shenzhen…
Dragon Quest X is an online role-playing game. Know what online role-playing games have? Subscription fees, and DQX…
Comcast customers who lost—or still don't have—cable, phone or Internet service in the wake of Hurricane Irene have…
The internet is abuzz with the story of a Chinese couple that's gotten in trouble for selling their three children…