You know how reading a book might give you +1 Intelligence? Contributing to Talk Amongst Yourselves is sort of like…
Start the new week right by talking more about video games. Right here.
There are video mysteries you can solve in Talk Amongst Yourselves, just by talking them out. And there are those…
If we're getting November-quality video games this week, then let's get some November quality comments about video…
Here at TAY we hear your concerns about a lack of replay value, but at least TAY has cutting-edge graphics, yes? Now…
Let's not be too impatient, but let's talk here about video games.
Be happy you live now. Because if you lived, oh, 100 years ago, you couldn't comment here or anywhere about video…
It is time to talk about video games. I hope you didn't start early. Do it now (please).
Here at TAY labs we lament that we were never able to get that fast-Mario music to play when you become a starred…
Oh man, just when you think it's good weather for Boktai, you discover ... it's not. But it is good weather for…
Today is a special day here at Kotaku and Talk Amongst Yourselves. It is a day of culling. It is a day of dreaming…
Treasure is buried everywhere. For example, nestled within this post are your comments about video games. Jewels and…
Before you do a loop de loop, please comment here about video games.
We don't usually let zombies comment about video games here, because bad things might happen. You, however, are…
Matchmaking for Talk Amongst Yourselves begins any second now. We'll be talking about games here in the comments.…
You never know where and when the next Assassin's Creed will be set. But you can always expect the next Talk Amongst…
No, E3 is next month. This month is TAY. Well, let's not kid ourselves. TAY is every day, of every month. Almost.…
The scenery is lovely this May here at Talk Amongst Yourselves. George Seurat's A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of…
Effective May 1, Kotaku has discontinued support for April, although some remained connected to the servers and are…