Every kiss begins with Kay, and every week begins with TAY. Nothing captures the radiant luster of your video game…
Gather your favorite gaming heroes and discuss video games today, right here in the comments.
Let no man or woman doubt Kotaku readers' ability to discuss video games below this post, nor their ability to add…
Talk about video games. Because there is nothing else worth talking about.
There are people who want to discuss video games with you. They're typing comments below this post. Join them.
See, by pretending to give you permission to talk about video games, I give myself the illusion of authority over…
What was it you wanted to say about video games? Say it here.
This is the December image for Talk Amongst Yourselves. Let it inspire you as you discuss video games in the…
Another month draws to an end. Say goodbye to November by talking here about video games.
Because you've had enough fun in dead-end conversations with weird relatives and neighbors you only see once a year,…
Enjoy the games you have and enjoy talking about them right here. Hooray!
It's Thanksgiving in the U.S., it's a month before Christmas, and it's the day to talk about games. Why don't you…
Get yourself through the day by talking about video games right here.
Here's the place for you to talk about games. Do so in the comments. And hop over to #TAYpics to submit images for…
We recommend that you talk about video games right here, in the comments section.
There's something about TAY that makes everybody horny. Everybody in this picture horny, anyway. Get it? Because ...…