This is Kotaku's official forum. Please, huddled masses, talk here about video games.
Usually, our daily Talk Amongst Yourselves post is merely an official forum where you can discuss video games.…
This is Kotaku's official forum. Today, we'd like to talk about video games. But we also need a favor.
This is Kotaku's official forum. Jump into the comments section and talk about video games, okay?
Is your overconfidence your weakness? Or is it your faith in your friends? Find the answer inside Kotaku's official…
This is Kotaku's official forum, the place where you are encouraged to discuss video games, video games and video…
Behold Kotaku's official forum, where the video game discussions stretch on for as long as the eye can see!
This is Kotaku's official forum where you can talk about video games for as long as you want.
This is Kotaku's official forum, the place where you can talk about Kratos and Dante, and how very much they don't…
This is Kotaku's official forum for you to talk about video games. This paragraph also is a palindrome. Emordnilap a…
This is Kotaku's official forum, the place where you can talk about video games — and dance!
This is Kotaku's official forum where all of you can talk about video games all you want. Right here in the…
This is Kotaku's official forum, the place where you can talk all you want about video games.
This is the official forum for Kotaku, the place for you to talk about video games.
This is Kotaku's official forum. Hop into the comments and talk about video games all you want.
This is Kotaku's official forum. This, apparently, is the official way we're introducing it this month. Feel free to…
This is Kotaku's official forum. In the comments here, you're free to talk about video games all you want. Free of…
This is Kotaku's official forum. Join the conversation in the comments below. Today's topic is... video games.
This right here is Kotaku's official forum. Join the conversation about video games in the comments below.