Welcome back to Kotau's official gaming forum, where you can talk about games or even craft an image to top these

Have you run out of things to say about video games? Then stay out of our official gaming forum. Otherwise, comment

Come here, one and all, to talk about video games, be they Killzone 3, Killzone 1, Killzone 2, Killzone Liberation

Once there was an official Kotaku forum, where gamers could talk about gaming, but only the wisest and most

If you had one place - just one place on Kotaku that acted as an official forum for you to talk about games, would

Welcome to Kotaku's official forum. Comment here about the video games you love and about the video games you hate.

This is the place for you to talk about games and for me to admire one wonderful new reader-submitted image each day.

Welcome one and all to the page on Kotaku where you can talk about video games. Make each comment your best comment

It's Tuesday, another day made for talking about video games. Chat about them here. With any luck, Mothra will show
