I spent the last week glued to Netflix, watching one thing: Jenji Kohan's Orange Is The New Black.

Earlier this week when I posted this video from CinemaSins nitpicking the first X-Men movie, a bunch of you made…

Meet RHex. He's super cute, and he's also pretty good at parkour! At least, for a tiny, adorable robot.

How did that guy manage to punch Wolverine so many times without breaking his hand?
Say you're Bryan Cranston, the man behind Breaking Bad's suburban Scarface, Walter White. You're going to Comic-Con.…

Those Lannisters. When they're not scheming to take over Westeros, they have a hard time being comfortable around…

You're alone in the woods, and you find yourself face-to-face with a bear. He looks pissed! What do you do?…
This is it, people: the final season of Dexter, the show about a serial killer that kills serial killers (and…

It's certainly no coincidence that on the week Pacific Rim comes out, Cinema Sins chose to turn their Spotlight of…

Okay, the song is pretty cute. But the ukulele-playing kitten? I don't even know where to begin.

I finally watched Twin Peaks for the first time about a year ago. Man oh man, did that show make me hungry.
“Chester’s Mill is a place like any other… at least it used to be, until we were cut off from the rest of the world…

For going on a decade now, I've had a love-hate relationship with the San Francisco fog. It's our city's defining…

The headline says it all, people.
While I'm impressed by the attention to detail in this re-creation of Star Wars' iconic last ditch torpedo-shot (as…

Doug here is most certainly not Ryan Gosling. But add a hoodie and some sunglasses and most people wouldn't be able…

If you look beyond its cardinal sin of being a kinda lousy movie, 2006's Superman Returns got plenty of other stuff…
Do you hear that great whooshing sound? That is the sound of a massive spoiler being released into the atmosphere.…

You may be shocked to hear this, but the questionable 2011 Green Lantern film had some problems.