No Man’s Sky and Spore have a lot in common. Both were ambitious to a fault. They aimed for the stars, but fell well…
Compromised accounts tied to No Man’s Sky developer Hello Games led to a series of faked official statements today…
No Man’s Sky might not be everyone’s cup of tea but its code is pretty impressive. Blogger gregkwaste outlined…
Osiris: New Dawn is a space exploration game out in Early Access on Steam. It’s a vast but unfortunately tedious…
They don’t get a lot of press here on Kotaku, but sports games are still a big, big deal, especially in this fairly…
Earlier today, one of the largest No Man’s Sky community hubs temporarily shut down, causing a small communal panic…
Over the course of three weeks, Robert Prest has been working on a Doom (well, Doom 2) mod that attempts to recreate…
Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida knows how you feel, No Man’s Sky players. He says he enjoyed the…
Today on Highlight Reel we have sweet Fallout heelys, unique FIFA celebrations, Overwatch plays, confused horses,…
The planets in No Man’s Sky are supposed to be, well, planet-sized. Most players will only see a small percentage of…
No Man’s Sky is, to many, a disappointment. The planet exploration game has been deemed tedious, boring and…
In light of recent talk about No Man’s Sky and people seeking refunds after 50+ hours of playtime, I’ve been…
Over the last couple of weeks, No Man’s Sky players have discovered a number of monoliths scattered across the…
Made for Ludum Dare 36, No Mario’s Sky is the Last Mario You Will Ever Need™. Okay, that may be an exaggeration but…
No Man’s Sky is not the game a lot of people wanted it to be. Over the weekend, people sought refunds en masse, and…
If you couldn’t tell by now, No Man’s Sky is not the game a lot of people wanted it to be. But what is that game,…
All of this freedom to explore in No Man’s Sky is giving me a headache.
The last few games I played couldn’t be any more different from one another. The same goes for their varied,…
Heartbreak is stumbling on a planet, entering its atmosphere to see lush green hills and island chains surrounded by…
The planets in No Man’s Sky are so vast, that one player has spent 30 hours adventuring on his starter planet. It’s…