If you play Uncharted multiplayer at al, you'll probably have heard at some stage Drake utter the strange line…
Aliens Infestation, for the Nintendo DS, was already looking like one of the last interesting games for the…
While the next game in the Elder Scrolls series won't be out until November, you can start preparing for your…
Warhammer -This weekend marked my return to table top miniature gaming. I starting to dig into Flames of War, but I…
Ayaman Japan is a trio of girls who love to party. There's Ayaman, the outfit's leader and "Crotch Boss" (the group…
A patent filing made public last week (but first filed in 2010) shows that Microsoft is at least thinking about…
Someone thought it would be a good idea to stick cult film director Tommy Wiseau, the man behind 2003's…
Gears of War may not be available on Apple's iOS devices, but you can get what looks to be the next best thing…
Fish of Fury -This gutted bird and a postcard of a furious fish showed up on my doorstep today.
The BRIC group of nations - that's Brazil, Russia, India and China - have never looked cuter than in this pixel art.…
Nintendo studio Brownie Brown helped make Mother 3. It also, quietly, made a Professor Layton role-playing game,…
The latest Metroid game, Other M, took some...liberties with the universe's story, and what it did to hero Samus in…
Reader Peter was "sick at the end of last week and had a few days off work". So he did whatever a good man does and t…
While Sony's new "don't sue us" terms of service are terrible, let's not focus just on Sony. Other companies are now…
Uncharted, Naughty Dog and Sony's sexier, more contemporary take on Romancing the Stone, was at one stage a little…
How very unlike Valve. In a post on the game's official blog, DotA 2 developers say that while they had planned to…
Enslaved: Odyssey to the West was one of the unexpected surprises of 2010—a wonderfully colorful, well-told story…
Payday -Simon and Ulf from developer Overkill at a recent New York showing of their shooter Payday.
Hit iOS game Angry Birds has a wide variety of fans that range from talkshow host Glenn Beck to singer Noel…
In Japan, all sorts of Pokémon products exist. There are Pokémon bedsheets, Pokémon toothbrushes, Pokémon…