Never mind that director Sam Raimi said not to expect the Warcraft movie anytime soon, actress Michelle Morrow is.…
During G-Star, Blizzard showed off impressive fan art at its booth's community zone. The Grand Theft Auto inspired W…
Not a movie, nope! In Japan, Persona 4 is being made into a stage show called Visualive Persona 4.
Europe is in a mess right now, so much so that it threatens to drag the whole world down into another global…
While Rockstar has released almost no details concering the cast or characters of the upcoming Grand Theft Auto V,…
Veterans Day | SPEAN BRIDGE, UNITED KINGDOM: Veterans attend Commando Memorial at Spean Bridge to observe a two…
Another night. Mahni Aino (above) fired up her computer and flipped on her camera. The sexy posing would come later,…
Sadly, Valve never releases sales figures for its Steam digital shopfront on the PC. So we never get an overall idea…
One of the more unpopular aspects of Xbox Live has been the fact that, should you subscribe via credit card,…
In Metal Gear Solid IV, Snake has a little robot companion called the Metal Gear Mk. II. And one day, you might have…
Last month, a surprisingly large-scale hacking attack went down on Xbox Live, all centred around EA Sports' FIFA 11…
The internet's got Skyrim fever today. That means everyone has it, from me to you to animator Harry Partridge, who…
Blood Dust is a multiplayer shooter on steroids. Literally. You fight against spies. You fight against soliders.…
You didn't think EA would stop at Battlefield 3, did you? Apparently during a keynote at the University of Southern…
Ocarina of Time might not be the only Zelda game we see brought back to life on the 3DS. Nintendo talisman Shigeru…
In their attempts to thwart pirates, most PC publishers end up pissing off paying customers with intrusive or…
Walmart is sending out mailings to customers, letting them know what Black Friday deals are in their area. While Kota…
Stories involving video games and crime can sometimes be sad. Or shocking. Thankfully, this is neither. It's…