NBA Live 14 announced its launch date earlier this week—Nov. 19, which is curious, as that is four days after the…
NBA Live is actually coming back: EA's troubled basketball series will return on November 19, launching on both Xbox One and PS4.
Revealed a month ago at E3, NBA Live 14 is the series' next-gen only re-entry into the market, and will rely on…
Hall-of-fame stars from the NBA's past will be a part of NBA Live 14, though exactly how isn't known, as one of the…
Reading between the lines of an open letter by NBA Live's new executive producer, one understands that whatever…
In 2010, EA Sports brought NBA Elite 11 to E3 as a shootaround demo only. I remember this vividly. You played as one…
Back under new management, EA Sports' beleaguered NBA Live series will return late this year only on PlayStation 4…
Monday, Jason Kidd gave the NBA his retirement notice. He and Grant Hill were the only active players this year that…
EA Sports had an outsize presence at the Xbox One's debut today in Washington, peeling the tape off something called…
With both the new UFC game and now NBA Live saying to expect news today, and FIFA already confirmed, signs point to EA Sports having some kind of ensemble appearance at the next Xbox event this afternoon. Read more
Days before the next Xbox's unveiling, NBA Live's social media decides to come out of hibernation. It had been totally silent since NBA Live 13's abrupt cancellation in September. Read more
In Electronic Arts' quarterly earnings call today, Frank Gibeau, the president of EA Labels, strongly indicated that…
NBA Live 14, assuming it ships, figures to add an Ultimate Team mode, if a developer's bio is any indication. I asked and EA Sports said no comment. If true, it probably means they're building a full retail product, not the $20 downloadable that NBA Live 13 was rumored to be. Read more
Inside a publisher or a studio, there are few surprises when a video game bombs in its reviews. Before it goes from…
NBA Live 10 is one of six EA Sports titles that will lose online support on Jan. 11., according to a notice from…
2K Sports hasn't said specifically when its infamous exclusive pact with Major League Baseball ends, but it's a good…
On Sept. 27, EA Sports scrapped NBA Live 13, the second straight cancellation in the series' troubled history.…
The defunct NBA Live 13 was supposed to be out today on Xbox Live, says Microsoft's Major Nelson.
It's at least a five-day drive from Burnaby, British Columbia to Maitland, Fla.—if you're using Google Maps, that…