Join me as I delve into the secrets of the latest character teaser for — oh forget it, it's Julia Chang. Next.
In 1987, Namco released Star Wars in Japan for the Famicom, a title that took more than a few liberties with the…
According to the latest Famitsu, the development team want at least 26 characters, including unconfirmed guest…
China loves Gundam. But China doesn't always love copyright law. That can be a problem!
No, not Bob Saget (unfortunately). Sagat! According to this image, Street Fighter's Sagat is apparently coming to St…
Though the latest teaser video for Capcom collaboration Street Fighter X Tekken takes the teasing to the extreme,…
The recently revealed Dragon Ball Game Project Age 2011 (temp. title) is an upcoming fighting game for the PS3 and…
Namco Bandai doesn't only make video games. It's Bandai arm has toy and game licenses for iconic Japanese…
Back in April, I was standing in a Miami beach-front hotel talking to people from Capcom, the games publisher that…
Since last night's sneak peek at Soulcalibur V during Namco Bandai's Dubai press event, game director Daishi…
Kotaku's played Street Fighter X Tekken, but from the sound of it, nobody outside Namco will playing Tekken X…
Currently unnamed, a new Dragon Ball Z is headed for the PS3 and Xbox 360 this fall. According to Japanese reports…
Because Hollywood made it, that's why. The Tekken movie is terrible—something even Tekken's developers conceded.…
If new media of Tekken Tag Tournament 2 makes you feel like doing a jig with your panda pals, this is the gallery…
As match three games go, Pac-Chomp is a doozie, especially for those among us who happen to love the aesthetics and…
When Tekken character Anna Williams last appeared in a Tekken Tag Tournament 2 trailer, she appeared a little…
It all started in the late 1980s and early 1990s. But it wasn't nearly as sexy. Game makers began releasing titles…
Here's what you're going to do when your bored at work for the next few months: The World's Biggest Pac-Man is a…
"Why isn't your game called Street Fighter Vs. Tekken?" I asked Street Fighter X Tekken producer Yoshinori Ono last…
Street Fighter X Tekken is a tag game, some of the heroes of Street Fighter against the heroes of Tekken. Fighting…