Apple's next big thing ships next month, and soon wrists all around the globe will be thrumming with iTechnology.…
Oh dear. Chinese mobile app FengKuang LaiWang "leaked" over 35,000 user videos online, including clips of players…
Imagine Activision releasing the latest Call of Duty game without telling anyone it was coming. No developer…
Power A has the MOGA. Nyko has its PlayPad. Steel Series has gone Free. Everybody's trying to get into the mobile…
There are more gamers in the world today than ever before, but the vast majority isn't turning to the Xbox 360,…
Want to play Android games but don't want to invest in an Android phone or tablet? Are you children always taking…
Since my first clunky flip-phone to my most recent handset I've been an unwavering AT&T loyalist. Every couple of…
The crossover between an incredibly successful film franchise and the near-ubiquitous mobile game continues apace,…
On October 21 Power A makes a bid for the blossoming Android game controller market with the MOGA, the innovative…
Are you an iPhone gamer? Android fan? Windows Phone addict? Xperia loyalist? While the mobile phone gaming industry…
Android gamers craving unified console controls have been following the progress of Power A's ambitious MOGA…
Today, Apple announced the iPhone 5. Once again, it's thinner and more powerful than its predecessors. Mobile…
It can't be easy to drum up excitement for your super-simple, cat-fart-oriented casual game. And yet the folks…
With dozens of new iPhone and iPad apps popping up on a daily basis, developers are finding it increasingly…
Last week I reported on Power A's MOGA portable gaming system for Android devices, a system that allows developers…
Last week in advance of its E3 2012 debut, Power A's MOGA mobile gaming system is a complete controller solution…
I've seen orangutans play video games on a touch screen, but this is the first lizard. And this Bearded Dragon…
Nearly two-thirds of all revenue generated from the top 100 games in the Apple App store in June came from people…
Why is Angry Birds such an addictive game? According to University of San Francisco psychology professor Mel Joseph…
Part anti-publisher rant, part impressive display of creative coding, Mark Feldman's fascinating little story about…