You see the name, you see it so quickly you don't notice the intentional misspellings, you see the art, and you buy…
Oakland. The town. Birthplace of Luke Skywalker and MC Hammer. The city of champions and the Golden State Warriors.…
What do you turn to after forging a Keyblade and a sword from Adventure Time? Minecraft, of course. People begged Man…
The guys that make up YouTuber group WorldGoodSquad built a Mario Kart-style map in Minecraft, as you can see in…
The creative minds behind the Westeroscraft community —the same guys who made this insane replica of King's Landing—…
The physical release of Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition has been delayed about a month, from April 30 to June 4. Major Nelson said the delay is necessary "to include the very latest content."
With its own custom-made texture pack, this 1:6 Minecraft replica of the USS Enterprise-D from Star Trek: The Next…
If you're wondering where the download is for this, you're out of luck. This re-creation of Jurassic Park, just in…
Bioshock Infinite’s floating city is a stunning setting, carefully crafted to capture the imagination, so it was…
Continuing a long and proud tradition of producing some of the only April Fool's Day content worth a chuckle, online…
Pilots, you are required to maneuver straight down this Death Star trench, constructed within Minecraft, and skim the surface to this point. The target area is only two meters wide.
Last night, Mojang, the studio that created Minecraft, hosted a big shindig at the Game Developers Conference,…
Scrolls—the next game from Minecraft studio Mojang—will be releasing in beta next month, according to Polygon.
My biggest accomplishments in Minecraft so far have been building my dream home (complete with fireplace, library,…
On November 6, 2012 a profoundly simple game called Curiosity was officially launched on iPhones, inviting people to…
Wow. This thing is elaborate! (Word of warning, if you don't like dubstep or anything like it, you should just…
YouTuber/animator avemagnadude mashed together a few concepts from Assassin's Creed III trailers, but there's a…
Thinking about bungee jumping into an open air pit cave-like the Cave of Swallows—is already horrific. But this…
Remember Abe? Last time, he showed us how to make Cut The Rope cupcakes. This time, his project is less delicious…
Minecraft Xbox 360 Edition is pouring on the fan service with this week's release of Skin Pack 4—providing…