This is what the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge could look like in the Minecraft world. As you can see on the behind the scenes shot below, the animation is actually the result of a complex command block configuration which handles everything from the movement of the arms to the creation of the ice blocks. Fascinating. Read more
Live-action Call of Duty vs Minecraft? In Korean? Yeah, OK. Sure. Why the hell not? Let's do this.
Mojang COO Vu Bui confirmed on the company's blog that there will be no MineCon in 2014. Instead, Bui said that they are "shooting to have" the next MineCon in the spring of 2015 in London.
Hard drives made in Minecraft You'd Need to Have to Store Minecraft in Minecraft Read more
Countless games and game locations have been remade in Minecraft. Everything from BioShock to Mirror's Edge to,…
Minecraft screenshots always look so great when they're isometric and the buildings have this classic strategy game feel. Just like this one by superhoiee. It reminds me buildings from the first Settlers game or larger castles from Age of Empires. Really cool build. Read more
This is the board game Der Bergbau, or The Working of Mines from The British Museum's collection:, irresistably…
Years It'd ACTUALLY Take to Visit Each Planet in No Man's Sky Read more
Even though the Arcane Sanctuary and the jungles of Act 3 in Diablo II were not the nicest maps with their…
There's been Minecraft LEGO for a while now, but it's been on a tiny scale, with tiny little figures. These new sets…
This is The Cave, one of two upcoming Lego Minecraft sets:
This is what a Minecraft resource pack can do to your world. These shots come courtesy of udlose, soldier and the builder behind Autumnvale—now known as Ambervale—and they show off the capabilities of the Conquest pack, with vanilla Minecraft on the left and Conquest on the right. Two more below. Read more
Over half a million dollars could be MIA as the organizers of a failed Minecraft convention refuse to explain what…
I've seen a metric brick-stick-fuck-ton of game location recreations in Minecraft, but I don't think one's ever come…
Generally for Minecraft players, the more time they spend in their world, the more attached they'll be. I don't…
The Mineblock is a tiny work of art housing a Rasberry Pi computer designed to run a private Minecraft server.
So how about some awesome Minecraft wallpapers? Here's a few great-looking screenshots from Darastlix's Minecraft landscape portfolio, shared recently over at r/minecraft. You can check them all out in the embedded album below. Read more
Generally, when you build your lair in Minecraft, you need a door. There are two ways you can go about getting…
Planet Minecraft's "Head into the Clouds" contest, where players were tasked with taking an awesome and…