Here's a very good example of what rendering software (in this case, Chunky, combined with a texture pack) can do for Minecraft screenshots. It's like comparing a finished CG shot from a film to a photo of the set, though here, you get Minecraft blocks standing in for a greenscreen. Look below for the hi-res pics. Read more

Minecraft comes to Vita on PSN this Tuesday, Sony just announced. It'll cost $20, but there are all sorts of cross-play/cross-buy features, as outlined on the PlayStation Blog. Wonder how Sony's execs feel about giving all that money to Microsoft?

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Entries are open for Planet Minecraft's next big contest, "Industrial Revolution." Like last time, the task is to build something magnificent on Planet's Minecraft's map (shown in the trailer above). The contest runs the whole month, so expect a lot of cool Minecraft machines and factories to pop up during that time.

Yes, Microsoft owns Minecraft now. But, don't worry, the PS4 will be getting a disc version of the hit sandbox game next month. A Blu-Ray release of Minecraft PS4 Edition hits on October 7. Read more
