On May 17, the digital version of Minecraft: Wii U Edition will get a free update that brings the Super Mario…
Pictured above: six kilometers by six kilometers of pure magnificence, in Minecraft map form.
In Minecraft, a few block types like sand, gravel, or water are affected by gravity, and that’s mostly it for the…
The Great Pyramid of Meereen, as depicted in the Game of Thrones TV show, as depicted in Minecraft. It’s as far from…
Like chocolate and peanut butter, Minecraft and virtual reality go together about as well as two things can. This is…
Today, courtesy of a Minecraft map, we get a glimpse of a grim future brought on by an economic crisis, which…
Today in the New York Times Magazine there’s a pretty great story about the Minecraft phenomenon, approached deftly…
In 2013, work began on a Minecraft comic, with a theme that was basically “Dragon Ball meets Adventure Time”. It…
And, since the Minecraft version of Times Square is not an absolute clustereff of pedestrians, you get to hang…
Monument Valley is a pretty great iOS game. It’s so great, in fact, that it inspired a pretty great Minecraft map to…
This is what happens when Minecraft, a love for Doctor Who, video editing skills, and a spiffy custom map meet.
Telltale has announced a third season of The Walking Dead for later this year (via Mashable), in addition to new Minecraft episodes—three total—in 2016. The Walking Dead will reportedly pick up on threads from the last season, but in an “unexpected” way, whatever that means.
Hey, have you finished Undertale? If you haven’t, there’s massive spoilers within. But if you have, get ready for an…
Over the weekend, after months of pressure from my children, I started playing Minecraft on my iPhone. The children…
This is a voxel-style Minecraft model, created by redditor samasaurus6 for a dungeon crawler map and shared on…
What we’ve got here is a “Minecraft-Like Infinite Voxel World” built in Unreal Engine 4. In layman’s terms, it’s a…
Colossi: giant statues in the real world, gargantuan creatures in fiction. They terrify and inspire awe, even (especi…
Minecraft’s 1.9 patch—known as the Combat Update—has been in development at Mojang for well over year, and it’s arriv…
You know what’s popular in Japan? Minecraft. You know what else is popular? Dragon Quest. Dragon Quest Builders is…
Held together by Slime Blocks and Redstone, the Minecraft X-Wing blazes through the trench, heading towards the…