Hipster darling and Kotaku reader Armand Mirpour's latest music video features a blink-and-you'll-miss-it one of…
Indie darling Minecraft took a big step towards a final, proper release today, with the game officially leaving…
That's one hell of a great texture pack for Minecraft in this amusing short by Wolv21. Yes, there's a creeper…
Minecraft Guy (Steve?), a chicken and Creeper, now 100 percent more delicious. Perfect for hot cocoa on chilly…
The computer game that hasn't even entered beta yet is offering gift codes. Don't let the Alpha status scare you,…
It was impressive when Robert Bowling, creative strategist for Call of Duty studio Infinity Ward, paid $500 for a…
In the next four minutes, you'll see more Minecraft skins than you can shake a wooden pick-axe at.
Minecraft just started down the road toward becoming a real live video game over the weekend, when it got a beta…
The phenomenally popular computer game Minecraft which attracted more than two million gamers worldwide while still…
Minecraft creator Notch gives us a peek inside the offices of Mojang Specifications, where Jens Bergensten (left),…
Some bands may borrow the aesthetic of Minecraft for their songs, but I think this may be one of the first…
Interested in playing more games from independent developers but unsure where to start? Indie DB's list of the top…
Want the flexibility of running Linux on your PC but still want to play games? This guide to just what you can…
Object building, especially megaobject building, is a side pursuit in Minecraft's classic creative mode that's…
What If The Black Eyed Peas made a music video in Minecraft or with 3D Dot Game Heroes?
Do you have a certain someone in your life that owns an Apple Macintosh computer? And would you like to buy them…
There's no faster way to somebody's heart than to buy them a great PC game. With that (and this week's Black Friday…
And I don't mean on one of those fancy fridges with the computer screens on them. I mean play PC indie smash hit…
Until it was removed from the App Store yesterday you could, for a short while, get what was basically Minecraft for…
Most of the very best games on the PC need you to cough up at least a little cash, but if you absolutely must game…