Since we were tipped to both the unboxing video and the opening sequence around 6 pm Crecente time, we've been…
Plenty of high praise has flowed to Metal Gear Solid 4, but N'Gai Croal offers a different take in his latest…
• Redmond, Wash.: Microsoft's looking for playtesters and though it's not saying what for, pretty good bet it's Viva…
Your first thoughts may be that the Metal Gear Solid 4 marketing juggernaut maaaay have gone a step too far this…
Ed from GADGET MADNESS!!! takes a look at the Metal Gear Solid 4 official headset. Ed says that while the headset…
YET ANOTHER CONTEST. Endless! We've got an exclusive New York City Comic Con Metal Gear Solid 2 Raiden figure from…
There seems to be two discussions going on about Metal Gear Solid 4. One is about the game's actual reviews, and the…
Late last month, magazine PSW stated that upcoming Metal Gear Solid 4 has 90 minute cutscenes — which, the magazine…
The Metal Gear Solid 4 ads are firing up on Japanese TVs. Above, the announcer says: "Combat or infiltration?…
For Metal Solid 4, Sony has system seller expectations! Many current PS3 owners are already planning on purchasing MG…
There it is! That's the six inch Old Solid Snake figure for the Metal Gear Solid 4 Limited Edition. The pack also…
This is still unconfirmed as we haven't yet seen review scans, but word has it that Japanese magazine Famitsu is…
Looking at this month's release schedule, it sure looks like a ton of DS games are coming out. After that, looks…
So the Metal Gear Solid World Tour has kicked off! And how was it? Kotaku reader Ninjax blogs:
The MGS4 PR machine shifts into high gear as the Metal Gear Solid 4 World Tour 2008 kicks off today in London. As…
UK cable show Playr's got new Metal Gear Solid 4 footage! It's a cut scene from act two, so if you are trying to…
New York City got a giant Wii Fit add. Los Angeles got a Grand Theft Auto IV hotel. Tokyo? Tokyo's Shibuya gets a…
MTV has an exclusive Metal Gear Solid 4 trailer up that's part of the company's promotional tie-up with Konami.…
We had this up as a rumor yesterday, and I'd say IGN UK's review of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots pretty…