• Redmond, Wash.: Microsoft's looking for playtesters and though it's not saying what for, pretty good bet it's Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise. The testing begins Friday (the 13th!) and runs through the following Monday. Participants must be US citizens with a SSN, 18 to 45 years old, and enjoy virtual life sim games, of course. You'll get snax, meals, a comfy chair and can choose five items from a free gratuity list. (One is a copy of Vista, if you like to be punished for volunteer work.) Those interested should email uccoordATmicrosoftDOTcom with "Life Simulation" in the subject header, and name and phone number somewhere in the message.
• New York: On Thursday, Hideo Kojima will be signing autographs for the first 300 (cue Internet memes) through the door at the debut of UNIQLO's limited edition Metal Gear Solid 4 shirts. He will also be joined by Yumi Kikuchi, who portrays Raging Raven in the game. The site is UNIQLO USA's Global Flagship Store, 546 Broadway in Manhattan, 5 to 7 p.m. on Thursday June 12. Autographs are first-come, first-served. If you miss the signature, of course you can buy one of the T-shirts, which is the whole point of the event.
Microsoft Looking for Playtesters [Pinataisland.info]