Toy Fair descends onto Manhattan's Jacob Javitz Convention this week, bringing with it loads of plastic you don't…
Art is hard. You must practice. But some pictures are easier to draw than you think, once you have the steps. Take…
Back in the day Japanese developers didn't have the budget or the control to make perfect Japanese-to-English…
Metal Gear, Hitman, Splinter Cell, Deus Ex... so many great stealth games to pay homage to, but what do you do if…
Metal Gear Rising Revengeance will be hitting stores in less than 3 weeks and anticipations are high. In this…
Perhaps some of you still feel conflicted about Raiden after Metal Gear Solid 2. Maybe some of you just plain…
Yes, Raiden's return to a starring role in a Metal Gear game features a seemingly unkillable cat. But which…
Previously, we took a look at the bosses in Revengeance and deemed them awesome. None of the real bosses, however,…
And here is proof—a trailer that goes over the things your suit allows you to do in Metal Gear Rising. There's…
I find it difficult not to get excited at the upcoming Metal Gear Rising after watching this video showcase some…
Not to be outdone by a toy company selling models that are already finished, LEGO builder Rags naRock has his own…
Mr. Gergő Vas is at it again, taking a slick new gaming trailer and boiling it down to several stellar GIFs. His…
This March, a new Zone of the Enders figure will be released, and perhaps will find a spot on your desk. Z.O.E., of…
Most of the time here on Fine Art, we can only show art for games that are already out, because that's the way the…
A Metal Gear Rising DLC trailer shows off the pre-order skins Raiden can use in Konami's upcoming title. [GamesHQMedia]
If it feels like we've been writing about ThreeA's Metal Gear Rex figure for years, that's because we have been.
When Hideo Kojima isn't making Metal Gear games, he's taking photos of his food. And today, those two things—games…
Konami revealed the cover art for Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance on its Facebook page today. Click to enlargify.
To show its gratitude to the Final Fantasy and the Metal Gear series, Sony is launching a special "character bento"…