Just in time for Mega Man 5's release on the 3DS Virtual Console, Capcom's offering the game's soundtrack (57 songs in all) on the Capcom store.

Video game endings back in the 80s and the early 90s were never really all that complicated. A short animation or a

It’s a old-school-centric line-up for the Nintendo Download this week as Pac-Man, Mega Man and Balloon Fight all show up on the Wii U Virtual Console. Here’s the full-list.

Mega Man 4 leads off a light week for the Nintendo Download. Time to catch up on that backlog, eh? Check out all the coming week’s digital Nintendo offerings right here.

Turns out Armature Studio—the development house made up of ex-Retro folks who worked on Metroid Prime—was working on a Mega Man first-person shooter for Capcom. It was cancelled in 2010. Polygon's got the full story.

Capcom posted some photos of the just-announced Mega Man 25th anniversary statue. It lights up!
