Rockstar Games will end an a 10-month stretch of no major new video games next March. Not with the release of the…
The game's bullets are rendered as physical objects in the game. Bullet Time is back. Those details and more are…
Rockstar Games gave us our first look at Max Payne 3 in action today courtesy of a smart, typically Rockstar, well…
Grant Theft Auto IV. Red Dead Redemption. L.A. Noire. For the last few years every console game from Rockstar…
Next Wednesday, at noon Eastern, Rockstar plans to release their first trailer for Max Payne 3. Until then you're…
The March 2012 arrival of Max Payne 3 may be today's biggest Rockstar Games news, but fans of the original, Remedy…
When Rockstar Games dated Max Payne 3 this morning, it also released two new screenshots. You'd think it would've…
Rockstar Games is releasing Max Payne 3 in March 2012, the company revealed today.
Things have been very quiet on the Max Payne 3 front, so quiet some people thought it was dead. Don't worry,…
Finally, some concrete details about Rockstar Games' plans for Max Payne 3 are emerging, thanks to the latest issue…
It's been a while since we've heard from Rockstar Games and Max Payne 3, a game that's still without a release date.…
We will never see official LEGO versions of Resident Evil, Modern Warfare, Max Payne, Gears of War, Final Fantasy or…
If a video game contains guns, does it also contain bullets? Not necessarily. Well, not necessarily — get this —…
Jamie King and Gary Formeman, who founded Rockstar Games with three others, are teaming up with former Image…
He's Maxy Max, err, Max Payne star Mark Wahlberg. You know him. He's the star of the Max Payne movie and is gonna…
Rockstar Games and Microsoft may be giving Xbox 360 owners a chance to brush up on their Max Payne history in…
Rule of thumb: Video game movies are not very good. I know it, you know it. Yet, game movies typically do pretty…
If you missed the theatrical release of Mark Wahlberg's go as Max Payne in Max Payne, you can catch it on DVD and…
It was Monday we heard 3D Realms boss Scott Miller hating on the Max Payne movie. Monday of this week. Now it's…
Hollywood flick Max Payne topped last weekend's box office. But how do other game movies compare? Multiplayer blog…