"Victory and defeat are just lies told out of two sides of the same mouth. This is the Blue Shell of collapse, the Blue Shell of financial crisis, the Blue Shell of the New Gilded Age." That's game designer/academic Ian Bogost on the most hated and feared pick-up in the Mario Kart series. His essay at Gamasutra is a… Read more
This summer, Mercedes Benz is coming to Mario Kart 8 in Japan. No word yet whether or not the car will be available…
One of the most highly anticipated Wii U titles ever, Mario Kart 8 is going to be all over the place once Nintendo…

If you've ever wanted to watch 24 Gawker Media employees scream at a game of Mario Kart, today is your lucky day.

DreamWorks animator Daniel Hashimoto has outdone himself again with the latest installment in his Action Movie Kid…
PSA: Mario Kart 8 is the 10th 11th Mario Kart. Just in case you were counting. In related news, Mario Kart 64 was not actually the 64th Mario Kart. Also: the new Mario Kart is pretty good. Read more
Poor guy. All he wanted was to provide a service: fixing go-karts. Instead, a jerk repeatedly responded with Mario…
The upcoming Mario Kart 8 for the Wii U won't just be taking place on the Wii U. Nintendo will also be releasing a…

Mario Kart 8 is almost upon us. But before we all get too carried away with all the awesome new features like…
We still have to wait a few more weeks to play Mario Kart 8, but here's something to help tide us all over until the…
In the latest bit of Mario Kart 8 news, Nintendo has compiled a helpful list of all the tracks that will be featured…
All this talk about new items and features in the upcoming Mario Kart 8, and yet we totally overlooked the game's…

Nintendo's latest trailer for their upcoming kart racer gives us a glimpse at the various pretty new tracks we'll…

Nintendo has just dropped a new, over thirty minute long Nintendo Direct talking exclusively about the much-awaited M…

If you've been playing Mario Kart games since the beginning, you're probably going to have a bit of déjà vu on the…

"Nintendo, man," my friend Jeremy said to me. "You'll fall in love with them. But then they'll break your heart."

Mario Kart 8 is sleek as heck. Here's some new footage from the upcoming Wii U game, which is out on May 30. Also…

Behold new screenshots of Mario Kart 8, the best-looking screenshots I've seen from Nintendo in a long time.…