While Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II's cinematic trailer is very impressive, it also contains not a second of…
This cinematic trailer for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II is gorgeous, but also feels a little off; I know the…
LucasArts today named Paul Meegan, the chief executive of Epic Games China, as its new president, a source told…
LucasArts is giving Star Wars collectors something to drop an extra twenty on with the Star Wars: The Force…
Star Wars The Force Unleashed II's official website is now live bringing with it this fancy new art.
LucasArts gives us another behind-the-scenes look at the creation of the Monkey Island 2 Special Edition: LeChuck's…
In 1987, Lucasarts (well, Lucasfilm) released Maniac Mansion, a game that would revolutionise PC adventure titles…
Could the success of the Monkey Island Special Editions herald LucasArts' return to straight adventure games? I…
Show your Rebel pride, your Imperial allegiance or your carefree bounty hunter love with new The Empire Strikes…
Rather than bury us in another flood of screenshots for Monkey Island 2 Special Edition: LeChuck's Revenge,…
Kotaku has learned today that Darrell Rodriguez, president of Lucasarts, has resigned from his position, and joining…
The story propelling Lucasart's Force Unleashed is one of apprenticeship, Imperial cleavage, good and evil. It could…
May the Fourth be with you, and I couldn't imagine a better time for LucasArts to nail down a late October release…
The upcoming release of a Monkey Island 2 special edition is special not for the revamped graphics, but for the…
LucasArts celebrates the summer release of The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition on the PlayStation 3 with…
Bad news, Battlefront fans: sources tell us a new entry in the series, in development at SOCOM: Confrontation…
We're running a religion theme week here on Kotaku. And it would wrong - no, it would be a sin - if we went those…
Not sure how we missed this tattoo of Monkey Island antagonist LecChuck last year. Maybe it was so fantastic it…
THQ has revealed a new Star Wars game in development for the iPhone, that forgoes the usual stiff like lightsaber…
Ever wonder what is inside Darth Vader's helmet? Well, besides actors Sebastian Shaw and David Prowse.