Today is Valentine's Day, and this past week Kotaku went wookin' pa nub in all the video game places. Below are…
While religion and an allegorical journey through a medieval hell remain the central themes of the video game…
With Valentine's Day just around the corner, Konami thought a good way to promote its Nintendo DS title Love Plus…
A year ago, I attended a Halo wedding. It was in Orlando. The bride entered to a live rendition of the Halo 3 menu…
A few days before last Christmas, a line stretched around a Tokyo bakery. The customers were waiting to buy…
At the CES show in Las Vegas in January, I was debating Craig Gross, a pastor at the XXX Church, about the merits…
I can buy video game’s depiction of intergalactic war, sure. Gaming portrayals of romance are a tougher sell. But…
Gamers need Valentine's Day gifts. If you plan to buy a February 14th present for a gamer - or are a gamer and need…
With Valentine's Day creeping up on us, ax in hand, we've decided to take a moment here on Kotaku to examine all…

While chewing over people's various endings for Mass Effect 2 the other day, one thing that struck me was how many…